
About us

Our software development team has been winning international awards using Apple development tools for years.
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Parliant has a proven track record of developing award winning, mission critical, real time applications using the same tools that iPhone applications and large web servers are built with. Thousands of businesses worldwide rely every day on our computer-telephony applications to run their businesses. These applications can never fail as they are the corporate memory for all phone activity in a business.

For more information on those awards click here.
With that expertise, we had a huge jump start on everyone else when the iPhone Software Development Kit was first introduced. We have maintained that lead over the years and have focussed primarily on developing internal iPhone applications for large organization (e.g. federal governments and General Motors) which typically have a sophisticated application on the iPhone connecting to a large server for information updates. In Conference Companion we combined that field proven expertise of writing real time telephone applications, huge internet server and Apple's iPhone Applications to create one of the most sophisticated, robust yet simple to use applications on the market. No-one who knows our work is surprised at the sophistication, robustness or scalability of our Conference Companion offering.

We are a stable company with revenue streams from several sources so any industry may take a temporary dip and not affect our longevity. We have designed our business the way we design our products so you can be confident we will be around for a long time.

You may contact us using a private web form that allows you to also attach files telling us about your conference.